Thursday, June 19, 2014

It has been 0 Days Since My Last Pig Out

Yesterday, I didn't eat an afternoon snack which means I was ravenous when I got home. Instead of cooking up a nice healthy dinner, my stomach was making decisions and forced me to log on to and order a pizza. Sigh. Of course this morning I regret it!

But it just goes to show how important NOT getting too hungry is. When you're just mildly hungry, your brain can still make decisions. If you're super-duper hungry, then your stomach starts making decisions and it rarely, if ever, makes a decision you'll agree with later!

Today, I vow to eat some snacks so that when I get home, I'm not super hungry. Then, I can plan a rational dinner!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Well That's a Bad Sign

It's always a bad sign when a weight loss blogger stops blogging. You KNOW what is happening in their life? Right? Weight gain. I am no exception! I am officially back up to 173 after my weigh in on Monday. I'm trying to get back on track but it just seems so much harder than before. I don't know what it is.

It was never easy to hop out of bed at 4am and walk the dogs. But's like there's a giant weight on my body keeping me in bed. I can't even get a toe up! Also, I feel like I'm hungry all.the.time. Like ravenously hungry. No, I'm not pregnant! Just a former fattie apparently trying to get fat again!

So if there is anyone out there...suggestions please! I need to mix it up! I need to get my mind back in gear.