Friday, February 7, 2014

Brrrr!!!! The chill is freezing out my motivation!

It's cold here in the Northwest! Really, really cold! It's my fault, really. I saw "Frozen" at the theater last Sunday so the universe must have thought that I wanted it to be cold. Well, newsflash: I don't!!!

It's been in the low 20's this whole week. That makes it super hard to get motivated to exercise. Normally, I walk my dogs each morning, which is about the only exercise I can stand. When it's that cold, there isn't a thick enough coat in the world to get me out the door. That means I'm stuck with the treadmill in our house. Ugh. Sigh. Barf. Can we say, "Bored to death"?

I hate the treadmill. I hate staring at the wall because the only thing I can think about is how much I hate exercising. When I'm out walking my dogs, I'm busy thinking about the scenery. My neighbor just painted their house. Is that shrub new? Oh no, they lost their fence in the windstorm yesterday! But on the's white, white, white wall.

So let's hope it warms up quick!!!

On a more fun note, I've mixed up my breakfast routine and I love it. I was eating an egg white omelet with spinach and mushrooms. Now, I eat an egg white omelet with Italian Seasoning, cheese, and lightly salted fresh tomatoes. It's a tiny change but it's delicious! I've loving me new breakfasts! I get in an oil serving, a fruit serving, and a dairy serving. Score!!

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