Friday, January 17, 2014

Stress Eating

It happens to the best of us. Stress sneaks in. Or, in my case, stress rides in on a giant brown stallion with a huge lance, chopping off the heads of the villagers. Wearing a kilt. The kind of stress where all you can really do is duck and cover and hope that it just passes through without really noticing you.

Just try not to duck and cover in the cookie jar.

Keeping my health goals on track is really hard when I'm experiencing stress. I'll stand with the fridge open as I search for cheese and bread that I never actually bought at the store. This is how I combat it. The whole "Keep control of your spaces" soapbox that all diet/lifestyle plans tout. If there aren't cheeses, cookies, and chips in my house then I can't eat them. Plain and simple.

Today work is a different story. Our cafe sells these giant sugar cookies with pink frosting. I can't stop thinking about them! Their sugary goodness would take the edge off just enough for me to sneak out of the scary village described above. But not for long. I'm pretty sure that's how the kilt-wearing stress monster finds me even faster. Because I tried to run! I envision that I'm running down the main street (which is a dirt street, by the way), eating my pink cookie. The stress monster sniffs the air. He, too, can smell the delightful pink sugar crumbs. And then he pounces on me. And not in the good way that my husband does. (Oops! TMI!)

Overall, I think it's better to not have the cookie. It would cause more stress because I'd more than likely beat myself up over it. As it turns out, you don't earn any activity points by beating yourself up so it's just not worth it.

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