Thursday, August 1, 2013


My name is Anne and I used to be morbidly obese. I was always a little chunky growing up but my weight really ballooned when I went to college in 2002. I joined Weight Watchers and dropped about 40 lbs.

Then, life caught up with me again and I gained it back. I met my husband in May 2005. We started dieting together and I lost 50 lbs. I was able to keep it off until after our wedding.

 When we got back from our honeymoon, I was unable to get back on track. I kept gaining weight. I had a few false starts with Weight Watchers, but I finally got it together in December 2011 and joined the day before Christmas!

 Highest weight: 240 lbs In January 2012. I had just joined Weight Watchers again--this time, more committed than ever.

 Here I am today, 83 lbs lighter. I still have 20-30 lbs to go. In this picture, I'm 157 which is still too much for my 5'4" frame.

I wish I had started this blog in December 2011 when I first started Weight Watchers, but at the time, I was way too embarrassed to have my fat pictures readily available on the internet. I figured that there is no time like the present to start a weight loss blog! So, I'm going to blog about my last 20-30 lbs and then this will carry me into a lifetime of maintenance.

I hope that you'll join me for support, inspiration, and I'm sure--a few slip-ups!

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