Thursday, September 19, 2013

Set my official goal. Eep!

I've been avoiding setting my official Weight Watchers goal because I was afraid I would jix my weight loss! Well, two weeks ago, I decided to finally bite the bullet and just do it. I decided on 144. The top of my weight range is 146, so I figured with my 2 pound wiggle room, I'd always be a healthy weight. I'm currently 10.4 pounds away!

10.4 seems like A LOT.

It also seems like almost nothing after having lost over 85 of them.

So what am I changing to get those last 10 lbs off? Nothing! My routine has worked to get 85 lbs off, why would I change something that's working?

Ok--I'm lying a little. I am starting to lift weights. BUT that has nothing to do with trying to get the last 10 lbs off and everything to do with how I want, nay--NEED to tone my arms.

And now the internet knows about my plan! Here we go!!!!

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