Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Spinning my wheels

Lately, I feel like I've just been spinning my wheels. I've lost just 2 pounds since the first week of June. I guess my consolation is that this is practice for when I start maintenance!

In order to try and get out of my funk, I decided to officially declare my weight goal at my meeting yesterday. My weight range us 117-146 lbs. I decided to pick 144 as that will keep me in the healthy weight range, even if I gain a pound or two. My "real" goal is 135 but I just really, really want to make lifetime! Free membership, hello! How can I not want that?

My husband is also pretty close to his goal. We both have promised to focus much harder for a few more weeks, get to goal, and then stay at goal!

I want to do a review of the ActiveLink but it's a daunting task. :) I have the post being written by my sub-conscience, so stay tuned!

Here I am enjoying lunch on the water last weekend in the beautiful and wonderful Pacific NW!
Oh, and I have no idea how many PointsPlus I ate at this lunch because I was a bad girl and did not track!

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